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Getting Started with CM/ECF


Filing documents into CM/ECF electronic filing systems requires the following hardware and software: 

  • A personal computer running a standard platform such as Windows or Mac OS X. 
  • A PDF-compatible word processor like Microsoft Word, Wordperfect, etc.
  • Internet service 
  • A Web browser. For bankruptcy CM/ECF,the latest version of  Mozilla Firefox or Microsoft Internet Explorer are recommended. Some users have had positive experiences with other Web browsers, but those listed here have been tested and certified for compatibility with CM/ECF.
  • Software to convert documents from a word processor format to portable document fomat ( PDF ).The latest version of Adobe Acrobat Professional is tested and certified for compatiblity with CM/ECF, however, users have had positive experiences w2ith other PDF conversion solutions.
  • Adobe Acrobat Reader,  which is available for free, may also be needed for viewing PDF documents, if an alternative method for PDF conversion is utilized which does not support viewing PDF documents.
  • A scanner may be necessary to create electronic images of paper documents that need to be filed in a case.